Parents leaving the child in the hostel for the first time must realize that the child will feel uneasy to begin with but will soon adapt to the new environment. Frequent visits can hinder the settling in process. |
1. |
Leave may be granted to students whose conduct and academic work are satisfactory. Parents may not demand leave for their children in case the authorities refuse leave. |
2. |
Leave of absence during term is sanctioned for the following reasons: |
(i). |
To attend the wedding of brother/sister or a parent’s brother/sister. Leave is granted for two days, plus the time for travel. |
(ii). |
To offer condolence to immediate relations, leave is granted for two days plus the time for travel. |
(iii). |
Medical leave is granted on production of medical certificate. The duration is as mentioned in the certificate. |
(iv). |
Day leave is granted twice a month on Sundays between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm provided the child is not wanted for any activity or study, and his/her conduct and work being satisfactory. |
(v). |
Overnight leaves are granted on second Saturdays except the second Saturdays falling during examinations and or school functions. |
3. |
No student is allowed to leave on his own/with friends/with servants without written authority of parents addressed to the Principal. |
4. |
Parents intending to take their children out on leave should inform the Principal sufficiently in advance. |
5. |
Visiting Hours: On Sundays/holidays 10:00am to 5:00pm. Friends/relatives wishing to meet need to produce written remission from parents. |
6. |
Parents are requested not to send mobile phones with their children, in case such a rule is flaunted and the mobile found in the child’s custody it will be confiscated. |
7. |
The child will be allowed to make a call home on Saturday and the duration of such a call will not exceed 2 minutes. |
8. |
Parents visiting their children in the School shall not enter the boarding house premises without prior permission of the Principal. Boarding houses are the private aboard of the School Community and their privacy should not be flouted. |
9. |
If the Parents desire that their children should not meet any other persons besides those whose photographs are attached on the admission form, they need to ensure that a special endorsement is made in the admission form and counter signed by the Principal. |
10. |
Parents are advised not to leave any valuables in possession of their children. The School shall not be responsible for their safe keeping. |
11. |
In the interest of the students, correspondence received by him/her will be subject to selective censorship or checking. |
12. |
The Principal can ask the parents to withdraw their child if she/he feels the child’s presence is a bad influence on others. The Principal may also remove a child from the School whose parents/guardian misbehaves with the school staff. |
13. |
During the breaks all parents are required to visit the School and accompany their children home. In case they are unable to turn up, only the ones whose photograph and information has been provided with in the admission form will be permitted to do the needful. |
14. |
Letters regarding fees, accounts, academic welfare, or complaints should be addressed to the Principal. In all correspondence the house number of the student and his/her class should be mentioned. |
15. |
The above rules apply to parents residing/touring Sitapur or nearby towns. Parents are reminded not to request the Principal/warden to relax the rules for their convenience as this is a deviation from the School Policy. |